The 5 Pillars of Health

The 5 Pillars of Health

How to become and stay healthy is always a topic of conversation.

Diets are always aiming to answer this question for us, but what they always fail to incorporate into those diets is that there is so much more to health than just what you eat.

There are 5 pillars of health that, when combined consistently, your body will respond in a positive way instead of hitting a wall or yo-yo-ing back the weight. 

So what are the 5 pillars?

1. Nutrition

Knowing how to properly nourish your body, mind, and soul is so vital for keeping you mentally and physically healthy. But because all bodies require various levels of nutrients, what that looks like for you will look different than it will to others. That’s why relying on a one-size-fits-all approach to health doesn’t work in the long run. 

Instead, what works is eating what feels good for your body without restrictions, setting food rules, or assigning moral value to food. This creates a solid foundation for your metabolism and hormonal balance because you’re no longer shocking your body with yo-yo dieting or depriving your body of the nutrients that it needs. 

That’s why it’s so important to include a wholesome variety of foods in a multitude of colors and avoid getting trapped in a fasting pattern. Instead, focus on creating consistent eating patterns and building daily structures in order to see long-term positive improvements in your health. 

Remember, it’s not only about what you eat, but also how you eat. Eating patterns and consistency matter because those two factors will dictate how your body functions and uses nutrients on a day-to-day basis.

Last but not least, you must ensure proper hydration to maintain proper blood flow, blood pressure, energy, digestion, energy, and precise hunger cues. Hydration requirements vary with age, height, weight, physical activity level, and health status, but if you aim for a minimum of 1.5L to 2.25L, excluding workouts, you should have a good base.

2. Movement

HIIT and other intense exercises are great for your body… when you feel up to it. And sometimes you just don’t— and that’s okay and very normal! When you’re not feeling up to doing those intense workouts, there’s no need to force it. 

Movement, in general, is great for your body, even if it’s just a gentle yoga stretch or a walk outside. The key is to add movement to your routines consistently, no matter what level of intensity that may look like from day to day. 

Your body will always benefit from stimulating your tissues and getting the blood flowing, no matter how low or high intensity the exercise may be. Getting your blood flowing helps circulate vitamins and minerals more efficiently!

A consistent 30-minute movement daily will get you farther than 3 high-intensity workouts, so try to find a realistic and aligned way to move 30 minutes per day, even if it’s just a simple walk in your neighborhood or some deep stretching.

3. Recovery

How many times have you found yourself scrolling on your phone or doing work late at night, depriving yourself of actual rest? 

When you’re so distracted by trying to pack so much into one day, you forget that quality downtime matters. Running on fumes without proper sleep will end up just holding you back, not giving you an advantage. On the contrary, it keeps your cortisol and/or adrenaline running high, which impacts your natural melatonin production and the quality of your sleep, and also adds a ton of strain to your eyes.

Whether you fit HIIT workouts in your days or have a more mentally-demanding day your body needs time to recover properly. Fun fact: your brain is the organ that requires the most rest. When you get enough rest (usually about 7 to 9h/night), it gives your cells a chance to regenerate in order to keep you in top shape! This allows for good short and long-term memory, sharper brain functions, muscle recovery, growth, and proper hormonal and organ function. 

Keep in mind that the quality of your sleep also depends on the first two points. Getting enough movement  daily and properly nourishing your body will greatly impact your nights

4. Digestion

Our digestive system is insanely powerful. Your gut microflora (your microbiome, the bacteria in your gut) pretty much has a hold over every aspect of your health. So when something is thrown off in your gut microflora, it can make or break pretty much all other angles of your health.

For example, your gut bacteria can alter your intestinal transit, cause bloating (or prevent it), and is responsible for the digestion of most nutrients you eat, especially vitamins and minerals. When your digestion isn’t working in top form, it will impact all other body systems thanks to your vagus nerve. That means even if you eat the right things, if your gut bacteria isn’t working optimally, you’ll absorb fewer nutrients than expected.

When your body isn’t absorbing nutrients as well as it should, your body won’t get the proper nourishment that it needs. When you don’t get enough nutrients, you’re more likely to feel tired, which can trigger cravings. 

Those triggers can lead to a risk of binge eating or overeating. The way that you feel after overeating (bloated, full, exhausted) can direct how you handle stressful situations. 

5. Mindset

In order for the previous four pillars to work correctly, it’s imperative to have the right mindset. This means how you perceive your health, body image, and relationship with food.

So how do you get that mindset? By focusing on prioritizing yourself, feeling in control, and knowing that you can support your body and mind. This looks like:

  • Creating healthy daily patterns.
  • Building a good relationship with food.
  • Stepping out of your comfort zone and trying things that will make you feel happy and accomplished.
  • Being disciplined by showing up for yourself, no matter how hard it is
  • Nourishing your soul and spirit for peace of mind.
  •  Optimal stress management.

It’s so important to not only focus on your physical health but most importantly to always make your mental health a priority, especially when you struggle with chronic conditions like ADHD, stress, depression, and anxiety.

Breathwork and meditation are two great examples of ways to incorporate a nourishing practice into your daily routine to keep stress levels low and prevent your cortisol levels from being in a constant state of high stress. This will lead to more successful recovery and lower stress levels. 

Health is not about reaching a specific weight. It’s about feeling and being in charge, regardless of the circumstance. As a high-anxiety person myself, I understand it is sometimes difficult, and that is where your mindset work becomes key. It is always possible for you to take the wheel when you have the tools. 

Sooner than later, you can develop a healthy relationship with food and become more comfortable and confident in your own body. Once you realize that your soul and body are one and that your body is not at war with you, a bigger and better chapter of health will commence.

Focusing consistently on these five pillars of health will make a huge difference in your day-to-day quality of life. Your body will thank you for it.  

Intuitive eating incorporates all five of these pillars while also incorporating your goals and health challenges. Intuitive eating teaches you how to recognize and listen to your body’s cues and intuition so that you can give your body the food it needs and wants without needing a short-term diet plan. It restores your relationship with food so that you can eat without guilt and feel at peace with your body

If you’re feeling ready to take on intuitive eating and transform your life for the better, hop on over to my Instagram and shoot me a DM, send me an email, or even set up a free Discovery Call with me!

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