You read that right. It's not about what you eat, but how you eat.
Wondering what intuitive eating is? This is at the core of my practices because food isn't meant to be endured, it's meant to be enjoyed. Unlike popular diets, NutriSkulpt takes a non-diet approach and provides the best online nutrition coaching that will not betray you.
We lean into intuitive eating and help you manage emotional eating, sugar cravings (or sugar addiction, as you might call it), and binge eating WITHOUT dieting.
You want real long-lasting changes? You love to eat? You dread diets, or have hopped on the never ending dieting cycle? You want to make a change but aren’t sure where to start?
Create a positive eating experience with help from an anti-diet HAES registered dietitian nutritionist that will bring you peace of mind, maintained results, and help you reach food freedom.